
Welcome to the new Sara Rusea Shop, your number one source for all things relating to time, money and sanity saving.

This shop is dedicated to giving you the very best digital products with a focus on:

  • Money Management,
  • Meal Planning, and
  • Time Management


Founded in 2021 by Sara Rusea, the Sara Rusea Shop has come a long way from just a wish she had to change course in life to show others how to enjoy making meals, save time and manage your money without fear.

When Sara first started out, her passion for finding ways to save money, make money, save time and make tasty food that does not break the bank drove her to do tons of research, try everything, fail a fair bit and then get it to work!

Once that light bulb went on and the pieces came together, she finally decided to start a small business to serve families everywhere by offering you keys to time, meal and money management. The 3 things that everyone needs!

She now serves customers all over the world, and is thrilled that she is able to turn her passion into this website.


I truly hope you enjoy these products as much as she enjoys creating, using and offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact her at


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